Improving Your Personalities - How To Have A Great Nice Personality

Being unique is the key to improving your personality.

Don't fake others and don't fake yourself.If you really wanna have a great personality and be recognized as an example, you should be uniquely yourself.

Don't try to impress others by being someone who you aren't.This not only ruins your character but you'll also be degrading yourself in front of others.

Impress others with your genuine friendship and love, loyal alliance and (by being a strong enemy).Praise others but never fake it.

Whenever you're judging someone, feel from the inner of your heart and be neutral.He doesn't like your best friend is not the reason for you to hate him.

Praise his/her qualities and criticize his negatives politely and assertively.Never Gossip about others and stop being a chatterbox.

If you can't praise or stop being jealous, don't hate them too.It ruinsyour health and your personality.

Always have a smile on your face.This is important when you meet new people.At the same time, avoid unnecessary laughs.

When you meet someone new, genuinely be interested in him/her for a time-being.Ask about his home, work, be friendly and once again smile.This way, he/she'll notice you and your charm.Not only you make contacts but also make new friends.If you get bored of him, politely ask for excuse and leave.

When talking to someone, listen carefully and look into their eyes.Stop wandering your eyes here and there.If you are a chatterbox, do make sure that you hear them too.

Realize the importance of others.Respect their emotions, values and sentiments.Slowly, others will do this for you.

Avoid arguments with others.If you don't agree to what others say or express, confront him politely and talk straight to the point why you don't agree.If he gets tempered, just leave.

If you don't like someone's behavior or personality, talk to him and try to get a positive change in him.

If someone gossips about you, confront him politely and ask him in a funny way.If he is talking to someone about the mistake that you did, agree your mistakes.There's no harm in saying sorry!

Say him/her why and what made you do the mistake but never talk about your weaknesses.Don't command others directly.Say 'Why don't you close that door' instead of 'Close that door'.

If someone follows you, your norms, values and respects your feelings, thank him genuinely and be nice to him.

Article Written by srk4you

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