How To Study Better And Get Good Grades

Don't know how to pass this surprise test!

How to study effectively?

How do I really study efficiently for these exams?

How to get good grades and good rank in exams?

These are what we hear everyday in student's life who want to study better and get and A+ grade. Concentrating on studies is a turn-off to everyone. I still wonder, "How can he study for a full freaking two hours without being bored?? I can watch a full movie in that time and play my video games four times, my god!!".

If you are as normal as I am and wonder things like that,

then you should have realized that studying continuously for all day long does not help even a bit in gaining quality education. We can never learn effectively if we don't use our common sense. If we use little mind in this case, we can definitely go and get good grades.

I think every thing we do has two different aspects- one which makes us do that thing, and other which is exact opposite but indirectly helps us in doing the thing. For learning and studying purpose, I think that we should focus both on STUDY aspect and NON-STUDY aspect. This is the way to find our name in the college topper's list.



Start early: Right from your first day, make a habit to revise what you learned today. I know, I know, who cares on the first day itself...isn't it? But if you want to thank yourself during exams for not cramming, you should do this. Can't you just sit 10 minutes in front of your book sipping a nice cup of coffee? If you're little active, why not note down the lessons you learned. This way you can grasp the lessons efficiently.

Go slow: Most of the students have a habit of 'finishing' or 'eating up' the lessons in minimum time. They think that they'll be safe then. But that is just like the sun rising from the west. You should not focus on quantity of lessons. Rather, ask yourself what quality education did you get and will get when you go that way compared to when you study in-depth and effectively, taking the time you actually need. This is also why you should start to study early enough so that you don't have to cram on the last night of the exams.

Don't be lazy: You're young and energetic. Don't feel laziness to rewrite easy notes. Revise your lessons thoroughly everyday so that it remains in your memory. This way you won't be struggling in exams time. Being lazy hurts - your study and your health.


Revise carefully: Each day after school, make fair notes of what you studied today. Then the next morning, go through the subjects you'll study today at school. You'll keep things in your brain and who knows, there might be a SURPRISE TEST TODAY.

Don't postpone your homework: Suppose you have Maths homework today and it has to be submitted the day after tomorrow. What do you do then? I know you'll leave it for tomorrow or worse, for that day itself in the morning. this is the wring way guys. Do your work on the same day- even if you've other tests tomorrow. Else, you might forget what you learned ( or maybe what is the homework? ). The day you need to submit the work, revise it again and make sure you can do it if your teacher asks you to don in front of the class.

Don't bunk classes: You're studying for a reason. You need to be a good person and an example of a good parent in the future. Wouldn't you feel bad when your kids waste your hard earned money by bunking classes? Think this once again. One or two days in a month or two is okay and considerate but not in a week or

every other day. You'll have to depend upon other students to complete your work and your score will be bad. High attendance will make a great impression on your teachers.

Utilize your holidays: Everyone has at least a day break in their long studious week. Use it wisely. No No, don't force yourself all day long or even half day long. Just revise briefly for half an hour four times a day. Remember, revise all the subjects.



Aren't you glad that you can study well if you enjoy and have fun? Fun and study are the two faces of a coin - one is incomplete without the other. If you only study or just have fun all the time, then you're no more than a cow with only one horn ( no, not Unicorn!!).

Start Early: Yes I mean it. Just after you wake up, do you like to study or refresh? Definitely refresh right? Have fun by doing a brisk walk, or play - but not for long. An hour in the morning is okay. Personally, I like to jog for half and hour, then update my status on Facebook, answer some questions and a light breakfast.

Watch your diet: Your 100% body depends upon your diet. For a student, its not healthy to have junk, oily fast foods or any trans fat. Include vegetables, fruits, healthy nuts in your diet. Remember not to overdo this else you may crave for junk foods. Change your habit slowly and steadily. Its good to track what you eat by keeping a food diary. It helps you to lose extra weight. Munch on some onions with your meal and you'll feel light and refreshed, and improve your memory power at the same time.

Utilize your holidays: After a long week, you've the day when you are free. Spend it by doing fun things like watching movies with your family, picnic, hang out with your friends. But remember (4 times - half an hour!! ). You can study after your meals. Studying after dinner is not good because you'll feel dizzy and cannot concentrate. Manage time early in the morning or evening.

Be social: Being an introvert hurts! It can distract you from studies. You might worry about your friends, families and keep on feeling embarrassed. You'll have difficulty in asking help with your mates if you're not used to them. So be friendly and social. Trust me, you'll be free about everything and can ask anyone for any help. Join ExpertsColumn, where you can share, involve and participate with the online community (and also earn some pocket money!!).

Have a good personality: Having a great personality means that you should be what you are. Don't try to be what you are not from inside. It never hurts. Eventually, your friends will respect you because of your uniqueness and personality. Be charming and friendly. Read on for How To Have a Good Personality.

Article Written By srk4you

Last updated on 29-07-2016 1K 0

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